Woman veteran experiencing veteran trauma during therapist session in Utah

Understanding Veteran Trauma: Causes, Impacts, & How to Help

This entry was posted in Trauma.

Veteran trauma is the psychological and physical wounds veterans might experience during and after military service. Veterans exposed to combat or other high-stress environments are more likely to suffer trauma. However, it’s crucial to note that it can also affect veterans from all service backgrounds, regardless of direct combat experience. Conditions veterans suffer can include post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), traumatic brain injury (TBI), and other mental and physical health problems.

The more non-veterans understand veteran trauma, the more they can help ensure the well-being and stability of veterans and their families. Creating a supportive environment, providing accessible mental health services, and offering reintegration opportunities are essential in honoring and assisting those who serve.

The Impact of Veteran Trauma on Individuals and Families

Understanding veteran trauma is crucial for several reasons:

Trauma’s Impact on Veterans

  • Mental health. Anxiety, depression, anger, and other emotional challenges are common trauma symptoms.
  • Physical health. Veterans might experience chronic pain or physical disabilities. Some deal with loss of limbs or severe brain injuries.
  • Social impact. Some veterans report difficulty in relating to people who haven’t experienced combat. They also find it difficult to communicate their experiences and feelings in ways non-veterans can comprehend or empathize with.
  • Occupational challenges. Finding suitable employment and adapting to civilian work environments can be stressful.

Trauma’s Impact on Families

  • Strained relationships. Families and loved ones can struggle to understand and adapt to a veteran’s physical, mental, and emotional changes.
  • Secondary traumatic stress. Some family members can develop their own trauma-related symptoms due to dealing with their loved one’s pain.
  • Emotional and physical burdens. The care and support that families often provide for a veteran can be physically, emotionally, and financially taxing.

Veteran trauma can also have a profound effect on society. Veterans struggling with trauma can feel isolated or alienated from their communities, weakening social bonds and sometimes leading to risky behaviors or struggles with law enforcement. There can be an economic impact, too, from health care costs and social services.

Veteran Trauma Services at Deer Hollow

At Deer Hollow, we understand the unique struggles and needs veterans dealing with trauma require to assist them as they transition back into civilian life. We also understand that veterans who have been out of active duty for a number of years can still be greatly affected by the traumatic events they might have encountered. 

Our empathic approach to trauma is designed to reduce the stigma surrounding mental health issues, helping veterans seek help without fear of judgment. Our holistic support system is inherently inclusive, addressing the needs of veterans and their families.

Veterans who have selflessly served their country deserve a healing environment where their trauma is recognized, understood, and addressed. Contact us today to learn more about Deer Hollow’s trauma treatments or to schedule a consultation with one of our professionals.