Deer Hollow is pleased to offer telehealth outpatient services. Telehealth offers unparalleled access to Deer Hollow’s innovative trauma program for clients. We offer both intensive outpatient treatment and individual therapy sessions.
The Intensive outpatient program (IOP) provides all the benefits of traditional group work with the benefit of tailored programming to ensure that the individual needs of each client are met.
Our individual therapy sessions are catered to those individuals in need of more intense one-on-one care. All of our highly qualified clinicians are trained to deliver our preeminent, evidenced-based treatment approach to ensure quality and competency.
Telehealth Schedule:
Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday:
6:00 PM to 9:00 PM MST
Program Details
Telehealth Stepdown IOP (Intensive Outpatient Program):
Our Stepdown IOP is an 8-week comprehensive program for clients who have graduated from Deer Hollow’s residential or outpatient care. It provides a structured environment to continue learning and focusing on the skills and modalities learned previously, offering therapeutic support and accountability.
Telehealth Direct IOP (Intensive Outpatient Program):
Our Direct IOP is a 10-week program for first responders who have not attended Deer Hollow residential or outpatient services. This program offers therapeutic support and introduces our basic modalities and interpersonal skills.