Man experiencing first responder PTSD in Utah

Unraveling the Impact of First Responder PTSD

This entry was posted in First Responders, PTSD.

First responders like police, firefighters, and emergency medical technicians are exposed to traumatic events nearly every day they are on the job, and while that is part of the job description, that does not mean they are unaffected by these events. Even the most resilient of first responders can develop first responder PTSD, and it can have a huge impact on both the personal life and the career of those who are affected.

What Causes PTSD?

Trauma can affect people in a variety of ways. While some people may seem unaffected by tragic events, others may develop PTSD, and there is no way to predict who the condition will affect. PTSD can occur in response to traumatic events like car accidents, fires, violent crimes, and deaths. The shocking nature of these occurrences can lead to ongoing issues like nightmares, poor sleep, intrusive memories, and flashbacks, and they are often severe enough to interfere with everyday life.

The Effects of PTSD

PTSD can have a huge negative impact on both the personal life and the work life of a first responder. Some of the more common symptoms of PTSD include:

  • Trouble sleeping
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Abnormal irritability
  • Uncontrolled outbursts
  • Unpredictable bouts of anger or rage
  • Intense fear or anxiety
  • A lack of connection to others
  • A numbness or lack of emotion
  • Physical symptoms like jitteriness, sweating, headaches, dizziness, and chest pain

Symptoms can occur anytime, but they happen more frequently in stressful situations or those that resemble the original traumatic event. The effects of PTSD not only interfere with daily duties as a first responder, but they can also affect interpersonal relationships, job performance, and overall mental health. Sufferers of PTSD may have trouble holding down a job, managing their finances, and they may develop depression, anxiety, or other conditions. Substance abuse is also a common issue with those who have PTSD, as is suicidal ideation.

First Responder PTSD Treatment in Utah

When you need a caring, patient-centric facility that specializes in the treatment of trauma, turn to our team at Deer Hollow. Located in Draper, Utah, 20 miles south of Salt Lake City, we offer an industry-leading mental health facility with comprehensive inpatient, outpatient, and telehealth services. We treat first responder PTSD, depression, anxiety, and more.

To learn more about our first responder PTSD treatment programs, call Deer Hollow today at (801) 679-6669.