IFS therapist - Deer Hollow Recovery Utah

How an IFS Therapist Can Help You Heal: A Deep Dive

This entry was posted in Internal Family Systems (IFS).

Internal Family Systems Therapy (IFS) is a powerful treatment approach centered on the idea that each of us has protective and wounded “inner parts” guided by a core Self. An IFS therapist guides people in healing, transforming, and managing their unique Self, restoring personal confidence and trust.

Individuals working to overcome past trauma, attachment issues, or both can benefit from working with an IFS therapist, learning how to recognize and embrace their parts so they feel seen and heard.

How Internal Family Systems Therapy Works

While a person’s parts are valuable players in their individualism, they can develop extreme roles over time. IFS has been shown to be effective in treating conditions like anxiety, depression, trauma, and substance use, improving overall well-being. It’s also helped manage chronic health conditions and increase self-compassion.

IFS recognizes three roles:

  1. Managers (protective) help people control their environment, manage their emotions, and navigate relationships and daily tasks.
  2. Exiles (hurtful memories) carry pain, fear, and shame from past experiences, often kept hidden to avoid distress.
  3. Firefighters (emotion suppressors) prevent overwhelming emotions and sometimes use unhealthy coping mechanisms like substance use or binge eating to cope.

How an IFS Therapist Supports Healing

An IFS therapist supports healing by helping individuals:  

  • Understand their inner world. The therapist assists in revealing a person’s three IFS roles and the core Self. They also help them learn how these parts interact and contribute to their experiences. The client works to cultivate self-leadership, connecting with their core Self, a place of inherent wisdom, compassion, and courage. This helps them develop a deeper understanding of their inner world and how it influences their behavior.  
  • Heal wounded parts. The therapist creates a safe space and supportive environment where clients can explore and address their painful emotions. By encouraging clients to approach their wounded parts with empathy and understanding, they help them release their emotional burdens.
  • Strengthen connections. The therapist facilitates communication and cooperation between the different Self parts, helping clients create a more balanced and integrated inner system.
  • Develop self-reliance and resilience. The therapist equips clients with various tools they can use to manage their inner world independently. They also help them build emotional resilience and coping skills.  

If you think working with an IFS therapist might be the right solution for you, contact Deer Hollow today. One of our therapists would love to help you explore your inner world, understand its dynamics, and develop the skills to create lasting change.