Why Choose Deer Hollow?

Treating Trauma, at its Core

Most therapy is spent exploring the unhealthy things we do in our lives to cope with underlying pain and feelings of fear, shame, and abandonment, and feeling out-of-control and not feeling safe. This pain is often from wounds that begin in childhood and are validated through our relationships, our jobs, and our personal choices. People often turn to behavioral addictions and substance use to deal with pain that manifests as PTSD, anxiety, depression, and suicidal thoughts. This pain is core trauma.

Hand-written note to God reading 'Please help me to…,' symbolizing the hope and healing offered through Deer Hollow’s mental health therapies, such as EMDR, cognitive processing therapy, and schema therapy.

How We Treat Core Trauma

Deer Hollow is set apart from all other recovery and wellness programs because of how our expert clinicians apply our unique combination of treatments (also called modalities). We combine cutting edge, evidence-based, best practice intensive trauma treatments with specialized therapies that enable us to treat trauma at its core and enables you to truly step into healing.

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